Thursday, June 26, 2014

(thoughts) for the sun loved the moon so much he died every night to let her breathe

"If you love it let it go, if it loves you it will come back." 

Beyond that "it" sounding like a pet or something I think it applies to people too.

Eventually people who are worth it will make their way back and whoever isn't, it just isn't meant to be.

Lessons re-learnt in a conversation over Whatsapp with cool dude who is overseas, I wish he'd come back really. Too many people are overseas/ flying off for my liking. Or does this mean I should just go too? I have no clue.

It's just that I haven't learnt to let go of things I love yet I think, it hurts too much to let go cos I'm selfish and I want to keep them for me. Maybe they're not meant to be mine maybe they are beautiful free, maybe it's enough to have given until it hurts, and it's time to stop and be on the receiving end if it ever happens (super doubt it). 

Also I do hope that time and place- circumstance will be my best friend. It isn't yet but I hope it will be and I hope I get over shit soon, pull myself together and prep for exams instead of wasting hours like this thinking about things out of  my control. 

I miss you, come back to me. 

<Or maybe not maybe I'm actually better off without you without me wanting to admit it. HAH >

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