Saturday, July 12, 2014

D. muscipula

Meet my new pet it is a Venus flytrap from biology practical the other day. 

Super excited to bring it home because when I look at it I think of a teacher than I respected, she inspired me so much. It sounds very ridiculous- I was (only) 11 and she was a very broken individual but in her brokenness she taught me to dream. So looking at my new pet gives me a little joy in the good times we had together- she taught me so much and I am indebted to her (: 

This was an edit she did of the picture of we took. I taped it onto my date-stamp! She said the traps looked like pairs of lips, hehe. 

The one I gave her was larger than the one I'm growing currently-- it is cultured in the lab so it's freaking fragile and tiny I love it. 

Lab lab lab 

Also it's amusing how my classmates don't believe I have green fingers (I don't really think so either but...) so they are betting on the lifespan of it, but it's a tough plant I think it'll survive!!(: 

USS tomorrow because world cup😌 and my bro is a beast he got us free tickets! 

till the next time! 

x, maddy

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