Monday, February 3, 2014

(thoughts) super short post to commemorate new header (cr: spaceinvader)


first of all,
happy lunar new year to everyone celebrating it~ it's truly a period for us to all fatten up and indulge in homemade goodies hehe. hope everyone's had a good holidays! will update more on my new years! tried a few new products, new to me anyway. can't wait to share!

I HAVE A NEW HEADER. yes i finally have a new header. i know winter is kind of ending (my world follows the northern hemisphere season changes heh x.x) but i really wanted a new blog header. snowflakes are so pretty! i love how every snowflake is different from others, like an individual's thumbprint that's unique to oneself.

because i am terrible at html/ blog layout/ computer stuff, apart from torrenting my favourite shows and downloading subtitles, all credits of this blog template goes to a dear friend/ bro of mine, spaceinvader ;thank you thank you thank you for the wonderful layout(: it's what i had in mind, and so much more (': couldn't have done it without you... because i can only conceptualise.

but hopefully i'll work on that somemore and one day i'll be proficient enough to settle my own blog layout.

for now everybody enjoy the new layout!

xx M

P.S. for now bear with weird colours like orange post headers if you see them, and pretend they're blue. changes made to blog template BUT blogger is not registering the commands ): so they are appearing orange on my screen. i hope they are blue on yours!

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