Friday, March 7, 2014

(event) dancefest 2014

Words cannot express how much fun I had at dancefest 2014, really had lots of fun doing backstage errands and cheering dancers on!! 

can't believe it's the last big ihc we probably are gonna have as a batch in school together. And the atmosphere is crazy high for a school dance event cos the theatre was literally packed, with people standing at the doorways just to get a glimpse of the action going on which was just.... Whew too hot hahah. 

Videoed all the J2 performances only cos low memory, and I tried to use my phone but it died towards the end x.x even though my house didn't win, I always feel that everyone on stage is a winner! It takes some big guts to be performing to a large audience that expects so much!!

My personal highlight was the danceoffs- Wess x Stang, Tessa x Roshiokkz 

Pic of the girls in action!

Sorry about the quality!! Had to do major cropping and zooming in! 
This bit reminded me of Miley and Madonna at MTV unplugged LOL. 

Next up are the pictures we took after the show!

RSD family! '13 and '14
(As seen on insta haha)

Give me some- w the street jazz sisterhood lol! 

I look so tired here lol but megawatt smile from the one who always covers his face ._. So must post! Good job bro on stage you killed it! 

Shing came back to visit and support her sis too!!  Awww I miss those days when we were dancing together last year for dancefest!! The fun, late nights spent practicing and the h2hs! Will never forget them! Probably one of my Jc highlights! 

With sexylexy who also didn't dance! Hehe we wanted to sit together but it got took crowded so cannot ): but we missed each other cos we were surrounded by a quiet audience heh.  hahahaha paiseh the people beside me probably had ringing ears after the entire show ._. 

And with my pancakes heheh good job on stage Tess and Megzz. Felt so proud! I was close to screaming "THATS MY GIRL" but I controlled. (': 

(Hmmm I should change my laces back to white so we can matchy matchy haha)

And finally, to a crazy dancefest team thank you for trusting me and leaving your precious faces in my hands... Did a smoky purple-to-black eye look-- 4 faces in 20+ minutes omgggg. And a white head for an old (haha) friend! Need to work on being more efficient and still make things look the way I want to better, in the future... Y'all did crazy well on stage and definitely entertained us all 😂 

Unfortunately couldn't get a pic of the look but here is a group photo. So sweet of them.

Big thank you for inviting me to help! It was an honour!! 

And in case you wanna watch the performances... 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

(thoughts) week nine

The results for the A levels were released yesterday, and there's this little voice telling me that next year it will be my turn. I hope I will not let myself down this year, and live with no regrets, I mean, come on, who doesn't want to live without regrets?

Having said that I think it's so easy to just get sucked into the momentum of things and struggle to keep afloat, forgetting to fight for what we really want. Even if we fight in vain, we don't get what we want, at least we would have fought the good fight and hopefully done enough to make ourselves proud of our efforts. Our entire life is a fight, is it not?


I miss talking to you without any inhibitions, I miss feeling completely comfortable around you because now everytime I open my mouth I'm so afraid you'll judge me for being me, because you know too much ):

Sunday, March 2, 2014

(experiment) natural look

Estée Lauder double wear foundation in sand (face base)
Dolly wink eyeliner in deep black (upper lash line) 
Holika holika jewel eyeliner in pink (lower waterline) 
MAC shroom eyeshadow (brow bone)
Canmake mascara (eyelashes)
Face shop brow pencil (brows) 
Mac "angel" lipstick (lips)
Estée Lauder plum gloss (lips) 
Benefit bella bamba (cheeks)
Mac pressed foundation in a darker tone-my last minute cheat for bronzer (cheeks)